How to make Curd | Yogurt and Dates Recipe

What is the Benefits of Curd/ Yogurt and Dates Recipe

Description: knows the benefits of dates and yogurt. The benefits that come from the combination of these two ingredients. which are not only a rich source of fibber, calcium, and potassium, but are also tasty energy-boosters.

The method of preparation:

Remove one hundred and twenty grams of date kernels and cut the dates very finely or coat them in a mortar and put them in one kilogram of milk and mix well in a blender until it becomes like juice and if the dates dissolve in milk, then add it to this milk. Put a couple of spoons of curd and keep it so that all the curd is made in twenty-four hours. You can imagine the taste of this curd, how delicious it will be, but it is also excellent in terms of benefits.

Advantages or Benefits:

It is the best antioxidant that prevents premature aging. Useful for anemia patients It is the best solution for nervous disorders It is useful for stomach diseases and corrects liver function It is excellent in relieving the fatigue of those who do physical labor It is elixir for the people of mountainous areas who suffer from lack of oxygen due to high altitude. Must prepare and try it once during the days of Ramadan. It is also useful for stomach and intestinal patients.

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Source: Tibe Faizani

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